@david_megginson @ajsadauskas @technology Similar situation in NYC.
@SVChucko For Ottawa, I think the cure has been less-bad than the disease, but that will obviously vary from city to city depending on how well the taxi service was run before. When I've talked to Uber drivers who used to drive taxis, they've told me that they earn about the same, but the big improvement is being able to choose when they drive rather than having it dictated by the plate owners (who often forced them to drive inconvenient or low-paying shifts). Not sure if I agree there. Even with all the problems they have, ride-sharing apps are still way more convenient than how taxis used to work. |
@Eka_FOOF_A @david_megginson @ajsadauskas @technology The taxi business needed disruption. But the cure has been worse than the disease.