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Jared White

@Mer__edith Sickening. Not only will she have to endure the trauma of being imprisoned, she'll have a record when she gets out. And of course the privacy angle is truly scary.


@jaredwhite Are you aware the baby was in the 3rd trimester? I'm pro-choice but IMO that's too late.


@jaredwhite Those are some issues I had no idea of, will look into it more. Thanks for sharing.

Matteꙮ Italia

@LotusHopper @jaredwhite yeah I don't think that a 28 weeks elective abortion such as this is legal in any part of the world; I don't know about the specific case, however this situation is often the consequence of having obstacles put on the way to safe abortion access — time inevitably slips by until it's too late.

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