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Cherry Coakes

@EeveeEuphoria sheesh if you could do that for me I'd pay you to :(

:yell: Ibly πŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈ ΞΈΞ”

@deejvalen wait until you hear i inspect elemented your profile specifically for this joke lol

Cherry Coakes

@EeveeEuphoria and you didn't bother to go through with it? i have to keep suffering existence? ;_;


@EeveeEuphoria so would that be an isekai button or..?

nekobu looks more like a "banish to the shadow realm" button to me

@EeveeEuphoria If you die in the fediverse you die in real life

@EeveeEuphoria I know a few billionaires who wouldn't be entirely delighted by this feature. Still click the shit out of it.

Drew Naylor

@EeveeEuphoria hey wait there was a Jimmy Neutron episode about this


@EeveeEuphoria I think it got changed to "forget this site", but I'm pretty sure firefox (or maybe something else) had an extremely dramatic "REMOVE FROM HISTORY" button

Phil M0OFX

@EeveeEuphoria @indrora neat! have you heard anything about when the "make user go outside and touch grass" feature might get merged into main?

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