The #p4p #unconference @ #offline is a bit less than two weeks away (27.-30.07.23) and if you're interested in p2p software (in all forms, technically, socially, politically, artistically, ...) you should come and / or even present something!

In an attempt to reduce the undesired kind of chaos during the event, we have started planning things a bit and prepared some awesome... forms. 😇

If you are planning to attend, please [RSVP]. We are trying to match people who have excess beds with people who need one, let's see how well that works out. We are also excited to learn about your food allergies!

If you want to host one or more sessions, please submit to the [Call for Sessions]. We are planning to open and promote part of the event to the wider public. If your are not comfortable with that or think your session wouldn't be a good fit for that, or you don't want your name on the offline website, you can let us know in the submission.

➡️ [Website]:

➡️ [RSVP]:

➡️ [Call for Sessions]: