@blakeyrat @chiraag @rcombs
You would cede control of your browser and the hardware that runs it. Under this scheme clients would be verified similar to how smartphones are - apps (or websites, in this case) will just refuse to work without device certification by Google. It's why banking apps, Netflix, Snapchat, and others often can't be used with 3rd party android ROMs. Google is talking about extending the authority they exert over android users to the internet more broadly.
@blakeyrat @chiraag @rcombs
And I agree it's vague, but there's no specific implementation I can point to at this time and say "look at this, this is the code they want to force us to run on our own damn machines." We can make comparisons to traditional DRM or frameworks like the Play Store which interfere with our hardware, but I can only speak to the contents of that repo which are also highly speculative about how such a scheme would be achieved.