Major shoutout to my good friend
@kainoa for his amazing tribute and video for our #Firefish (you know, the one we used to call #Calckey) squad!

Since last November, I've been right in the thick of things with
@kainoa, getting my hands dirty in all things Firefish - you name it, server admin, testing, marketing, and all that jazz. And let me tell ya, it's been a rollercoaster ride of pure awesomeness!

I've had the best seat in the house watching Firefish morph from our little pet project into this super cool, community-driven software in the Fediverse realm. Like, we literally aimed for the stars and are heading that way!

And the magic of it all? Firefish isn't just about cool tech, it's all about YOU, our rock star community! No way this dream would have come true without your epic involvement.

Okay, let's hit the pause button for a second. Can we just take a moment to give a big round of applause for
@kainoa? This dude just dropped this video trailer for our newly decked out Firefish. He's been sweating over this for more than a week, and it's the perfect snapshot of what gets him pumped about Firefish.
