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Michał Górny

Remember how ignored 3 compatibility problems for a year and a half? Well, Cython 3 got released today and now the related bug exploded when tons of pipelines suddenly started failing.

1 comment
Michał Górny

The problem is only getting better. People are trying really hard to make their things work again. Apparently there's a way to force constraints on pip but it's not a perfect solution either.

I have two thoughts about this:

1. *Finally*, it's not just us in being hit by constraint conflicts (i.e. two packages in depgraph requiring different versions).

2. Given that PyYAML knew about the problem for a year and a half and did nothing to avoid it… do you think it's a good idea to continue using that package? Or in particular, Norway?

The problem is only getting better. People are trying really hard to make their things work again. Apparently there's a way to force constraints on pip but it's not a perfect solution either.

I have two thoughts about this:

1. *Finally*, it's not just us in being hit by constraint conflicts (i.e. two packages in depgraph requiring different versions).

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