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:umu: :umu:
@drq не приходило такое письмо, хм
Dr. Quadragon ❌

@a1ba Наверное еще придет

Ну оцени лицемерие - они _сами же_ подняли цены - такие "ой, как дорого-то ipv4 стало, ах-ах..."

:umu: :umu:
@drq не покупал у них IPv4 и не собираюсь. Одного адреса, который и так идёт с дедиком мне достаточно.

Но если они и его хотят отобрать... хех.

@drq Also Hetzner:
IPv6 is the future and we have more adresses available than could concievable be used. Therefore we have chosen to only provide the bare minimum of a single /64 subnet to you with no possible way to get anymore if you should wish it, so fuck you.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@espen I don't mind a /64 subnet. It's more than I'll use in tens of lifetimes.

But coming in "comiserating and offering a solution" to a problem they're causing themselves is a very dick move.


@drq Yeah, its a lot of addresses. But it's not about the amount of addresses but the routing of them thats also an issue. To make things work for me I had to split it into two /65 nets, which works but also means that all the nice automatic features like SLAAC are broken because the required address-space to make these features work is now too small.

I don't have a particular complicated home network but I required 3 subnets to get everything to play well together. 😀

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@espen And, IPv6 is still dependent on centralized infrastructure.

I think we need Yggdrasil-style addressing, where addresses are generated independently.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

I mean, it's 128 bits, we colud have UUIDs for addresses, if we wanted to, ffs.


@drq True, the space is so vast we might need spice to navigate it. But one of the key points is the hierarchical nature. Routers just look at the address prefix and forwards the packet to the connection with the largest matching prefix, so instead of the crisscrossing mess that is ipv4, you get a nice simple tree structure.

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