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Introducing the 13W3 Video Snake Oil.

because lots of the 13W3->VGA adapters out there aren't wired correctly, i made one that is universal! check it out at


@tubetime I've also seen ones with a bunch of DIP switches that do the same thing, although I have no idea how they work with the more oddball (by 13W3 "standards") systems.

Now if only we had something like the retrotink that took the weird refresh rates and piped that over displayport with freesync... I have exactly _one_ VGA-capable monitor, and if the signal isn't almost exactly 60Hz it craps itself, but I also have a pair of digital-only monitors that will happily run pretty arbitrary oddball refresh rates if I can get the signal into them...

@tubetime I've also seen ones with a bunch of DIP switches that do the same thing, although I have no idea how they work with the more oddball (by 13W3 "standards") systems.

Now if only we had something like the retrotink that took the weird refresh rates and piped that over displayport with freesync... I have exactly _one_ VGA-capable monitor, and if the signal isn't almost exactly 60Hz it craps itself, but I also have a pair of digital-only monitors that will happily run pretty arbitrary oddball...


@tubetime @Stormgren Neat!

I do remember that pretty much any 13W3-VGA adapter required that the monitor supported sync-on-green — does that rule apply to this?

(Granted, I had to offload my Sun hardware 12 years ago, and don't have any CRTs anymore anyway. 🥲)


@jima @Stormgren nope you can use vsync/hsync on the 13W3 or you can populate the sync splitter chip to take the SoG and split it out into separate h and v


@tubetime I wonder if it would also work with a NeXTstation.


@gunstick iirc two of the color components are swapped so you'd have cut and jumper those traces.

Zorin =^o.o^=

@tubetime I always found it nuts how the industry came up with this fancy connector which preserved impedance matching to an almost obsessive degree then didn't standardize the pinout making it incompatible between vendors.

An insane degree of effort to then just do it wrong!

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