#LOL... Who said all political ads are boring? This is probably the hottest political ad you’ll ever see.....
2023 ELECTIONS: Ohio Vote No On August 8th 🔥
#LOL... Who said all political ads are boring? This is probably the hottest political ad you’ll ever see..... 2023 ELECTIONS: Ohio Vote No On August 8th 🔥 53 comments
@Nonya_Bidniss @BrianHarrod @GreenFire @Nonya_Bidniss @BrianHarrod Bring in Roger from Cracked. The most trustworthy old white guy on the internet @BrianHarrod THIS is the political ad we’ve been waiting for our whole lives! #Election2024 #Ohio #USpol #DNC https://mastodon.social/@foufoutos@kafeneio.social More of these types of ads need to be done. Republican billionaires and GOP politicians on the subject of: 1. Putin's genocidal war on Ukraine @BrianHarrod We sorted this out in the 1960s here in Canada. The USA is bonkers. https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.4681298 It is a good ad. @edwiebe @BrianHarrod Every couple years these fake righteous people pop up and test the waters, and Doug Ford won’t shut up about god these days. Never let your guard down when it comes to rights we thought were untouchable. @NaturaArtisMagistra @BrianHarrod @StillIRise1963 @IveyJanette @CherokeeSher @curiousdoc OMFG whoever created this - I love them! "Hi, I'm your four-times-divorced uncle who is no longer welcome at family gatherings because of what I said to your cousin Emily and her wife a few years ago... and now I get to control YOUR love life, too!" A whole-of-society response to the GOP & their anti-democracy billionaire donors is overdue. Iowa & Ohio enact anti-women legislation, the GOP won't stop until they lose elections again & again & again. The Ohio GOP is corrupt & wants to lock voters out of democracy. They're buying a voting bloc: woman-hating religions & religions who hid child abuse. The GOP took away women's civil rights to "save children" & yet takes money from churches who hurt actual children for decades. @BrianHarrod would be better if the man wouldn't just silently wait while his woman challenges the creep, but got up and turned the fuck's face into meat jelly, like the all deserve… But we're too politically correct for that. Yet. @isagalaev @BrianHarrod the politicians supporting these kind of ideas need to check how it went for other people that tried it. As an example, Communist Romania during late sixties: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decree_770 They need to check about the lost generation that resulted from that, with more than half million babies ending up in foster care - terrible foster care at that: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romanian_orphans @BrianHarrod also they made a documentary about it (which is pretty heart wrenching, so watch with care): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rNP-ybp0AYo @BrianHarrod That's awesome! In Canada, one of our politicians said, in 1967: “There is no place for the state in the bedrooms of the nation” It would be great if Republicans could catch up. @BrianHarrod they should have taken out a gun and shot him in the head in the last frame. I defend, my rights. @BrianHarrod This evokes all the creepiness I feel looking at Republicans, esp the good ole boys. This is brilliant. @BrianHarrod Wasn't there that one governor or senator or some similar candidate who had full on penetrative sex on porn hub as a campaign ad? EDIT: Yup, a congressman: https://www.papermag.com/mike-itkis-sextape-2658462865.html @BrianHarrod Sexy political ad about GOP banning birth control: Will #GOP ban birth control? Read Clarence Thomas’ concurring opinion when #SCOTUS overturned #RoeVWade. He states, “we should reconsider … precedents, including Griswold, Lawrence and Obergefell” Griswold established personal freedoms including the right to use #BirthControl. |