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@cypnk There's a purpose to xeyes. Why is this ancient wisdom lost in the present?

David Truesdell

@mdhughes @cypnk
Thank you for mentioning xeyes, I had completely forgotten about it after all these years. I鈥檓 off to install it on my Unix and windows machines.


@cypnk This is why my cursor is extra big and pink. 馃榿

Emily S

@araucana @cypnk yep! Though also my work Mac has a useful accessibility thing where if you shake the mouse it makes the pointer really big for a few seconds.

Emily S

@cypnk @araucana yep. I discovered it on my first day using it by accident and have used it so many times since. (I've been working there a month)

r覊ustic cy蜖be谈rpu痰nk馃馃

@dgdillman Currently on my laptop because I realized I'm too tired for more than one screen right now

@cypnk On Windows can enable press cntrl to do a sonar ping on mouse pointer. It is in the advanced mouse settings, probably also under accessibility.

@cypnk Colleague during screen sharing: "LOL, why is your cursor ridiculously big?"

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