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@patrickworld 😂😂

It's Bloomberg. Of course they want your cash.


My favorites are like the local rag in Helvetica, Nebraska (or something like that) which you're probably going to read a single story from in your entire life.

David Chartier

@patrickworld @FuchsiaShock The juxtaposition of “...spreading misinformation for free" and “journalists need a way to compete.” Heh.

Female-presenting nipples

@chartier @patrickworld lol, like "people are getting it for free, instead of paying us for it"

merzbow and chill

@patrickworld they're not spreading misinformation for free on twitter, they're actually getting paid for it now

Michael Porter

@patrickworld “The opinions here do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher…”

Keyboard Worrier

@patrickworld I can't imagine paying to read Bloomberg 🤣



Well, it's good that they respect free speech for their columnists, even when they contradict the company policy.

Who knows, it may be a way to know what they readers think about it.

Alan Wolf

@patrickworld @kyleejohnson Perhaps they could also hire editors who read the headlines they write? The way it’s written it makes it sound like journalists have to compete in the spread of misinformation


@patrickworld LOL! But not lol, this is a result of the fact that these profit models demands desperation to work.


@patrickworld I would honestly subscribe to more news sources if I knew that I would be left alone when I leave. Right now, most sane people are aware that signing up for any magazine, journal or newspaper subscription is selling your soul to the devil. Or more accurately, your email inbox

Nicole Parsons


Most paywalled materials can be obtained through the wayback machine or your public library.

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