One thing I noticed:

Android 11, LineageOS, Material Design 2 - Every app has it's own accent color, colors and shapes are generally bright and distinct, looks nice, even in light mode. Menu above notifications has compact version with icons only, full version has text below the sane small buttons, everything feels compact but buttons are actually hard to missclick.

Android 12/13, crDroid, Material Design 3 - every accent color is replaced with washed out version of random color from wallpaper, everything is very rounded for no reason, light mode looks weird for some reason, everything is a very rounded button or the same rounded plane. Menu feels a lot less compact and focus is on text that is part of large buttons, not terrible, but no compact mode.

Even Material Design 3 apps look brighter and less sad in Android 11. But either way one style does not look that well with another, and a ton of apps are material design 2 compliant instead of version 3, for some reason even older android apps didn't stand out much until material design 3.