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@Loukas You are welcome :ablobcatheartsqueeze:
I hope you can to translate what I wrote.

Loukas Christodoulou

@vsv yes, I recently started using an app with translation and I've enjoyed reading Russian Mastodon a lot. That is the green clump to one side?


@Loukas Green clump (I prefer the term cluster) - yes, it's a Russian-speaking community. You can see how closely it is connected with other users. This is primarily due to the language barrier, because of which users prefer to communicate among themselves.

Loukas Christodoulou

@vsv you get similar things happening in guilds in online combat games as well, people stick together because no one else wants to chat in your language:) thank you for replying even though I speak in a different tongue!

Stas replied to Loukas

@Loukas Yes, it's a good comparison.
This is the second time I've done a study like this (the first time was a few years ago on Twitter). But unfortunately I have seen few similar studies in all this time, so I decided to repeat it again for Mastodon.

Loukas Christodoulou replied to Stas

@vsv what are the two streams upwards of the main yellow cluster? Are those also language groups?

Stas replied to Loukas

@Loukas I don't know exactly. But at first view they seem to be thematic groups, not language groups.
You can explore it yourself, I've posted all the data I've dig.


7) Почему некоторые созвездия по краям, в стороне от остальных кластеров, а другие близко друг к другу?
Алгоритм, по которому происходит кластеризация - ForceAtlas2 - действует следующим образом:
Алгоритм эмулирует действие гравитации. Если, у кого много исходящих связей (те кто подисываются), но мало входящих (мало кто на них подписан), выполняется условие: силы отталкивания вырастают, а силы притяжения ослабевают и их выкидывает из основного графа.

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