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Shufei 👩🏽‍🌾

@thatfrisiangirlish I love Frisian and Friesland. I hope you can become a tiny, cute country in the EU someday.

1 comment
That Frisian Girl-ish Strange as it sounds, I really hope not. It wouldn't be that tiny, being a sizeable stretch of the North Sea coast from the Netherlands to Denmark. "Frisian" is cultural, not national. Higher level of acknowledgement of the cultural identity on EU level, sure. And that identity has always contained, in the face of the hostilities of the sea, cooperation, mutual aid, and a sense of unity.
The thing the world needs is less national division, not more. If Frisians lived in countries with less rights, sure, that would be a worthwhile goal; Catalans, Kurds, even the Scottish have a good reason to seek a unified, independent country on the territories they live in. But since the Interfrisian Council has been established, it has for good reasons always been a proponent of being acknowledged as culture under the EU across countries, and not a nation state. Strange as it sounds, I really hope not. It wouldn't be that tiny, being a sizeable stretch of the North Sea coast from the Netherlands to Denmark. "Frisian" is cultural, not national. Higher level of acknowledgement of the cultural identity on EU level, sure. And that identity has always contained, in the face of the hostilities of the sea, cooperation, mutual aid, and a sense of unity.
The thing the world needs is less national division, not more. If Frisians lived in countries...

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