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Eric A. Meyer

I know I have very little ground on which to comment on the beauty of a typeface, but this variable font is *SO GOOD* and I really wish I’d found it before “CSS: The Definitive Guide, 5th Edition” published a month back, because it would have been **perfect** for the examples in the Fonts chapter.

Try out all the features and variability of Elstob at, which also links to a Github repository where you can get it.


@Meyerweb Thank you for bringing the concept of variable fonts to my attention!


@Meyerweb When is CSS: The Definitive Guide, 5th Ed., coming out? (I thought I’d seen a forthcoming release data a few months ago, but can’t find one now…)

Eric A. Meyer

@tantramar May 30th! Of 2023, I mean. It’s… large.


@Meyerweb Oh! And do you have any preference as to where one purchases it? (My previous editions were all iBooks/Books, but…)

Eric A. Meyer

@tantramar Nah, not particularly. What works best for readers is what works for me.


@Meyerweb Went Kindle for a change. Thanks for reminding me of this — it had fallen off my radar. :) @estelle

Luis Villa

@Meyerweb yeah, it is gorgeous. I immediately wanted to switch the headers in my blog to it.

Eric A. Meyer

@luis_in_brief Hard same. It would fit my design so beautifully…!

Ralph Giles

@Meyerweb That's a nice font! Always nice to see new work with an open license. No support for Egyptian transliteration, unfortunately.


@Meyerweb It's gorgeous and I am so using it!

But I'm not sure why they say it's for medievalists when it's definitely post-medieval. Renaissance and Enlightenment, yes! But not medieval (unless, you know, they just like it anyway).

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