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RS, Author, Novelist



…they proposed that our background performers should be able to be scanned [for a single payment] ... [and] their likeness ... should be able [to be used] for the rest of eternity...

At some point all human labor will be replaced by automation.

At that point no humans will earn a living.

Who are they planning to sell to, then?

Huh...? You say they'll give it away from free. FOTFLOL.


#AI #automation #luddite #hollywood #writer #writers #screenwriting #writersOfMastodon #writingCommunity #cominglaborapocalypse #chatgpt #sag #sagaftra #SAGAFTRAstrike

1 comment

@sfwrtr @jaredwhite

The billionaires have no intention of allowing the rest of us to remain ALIVE once they've finished training their robot slaves to do all our jobs

The end game isn't to sell more stuff, it's genocide of all people who aren't "people like us"

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