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Steve Troughton-Smith

I did it by returning NSNextStepInterfaceStyleDefaultValue from __NSGlobalInterfaceStyle, a four-byte patch. Have fun!

Steve Troughton-Smith

Follow-up: Platinum also works 😄 Such a fun collection of mixed idioms

Steve Troughton-Smith

Here’s some more Mac OS X v10.0.0 with Aqua turned off in favor of Platinum, for funsies. As you can see, the UI is in a state of pure chaos. Many apps crash, open/save panels show no UI, window backgrounds are all over the place

Kevin López/KDDLB

@stroughtonsmith why did Finder retain its Aqua appearance? Is it because it was Carbon instead of Cocoa/AppKit?

Steve Troughton-Smith

I whipped up a little library to inject into previously-crashing apps, like Mail, awkwardly patching NSDrawer and NSToolbar support back into Platinum 😅 Even getting Project Builder up and running required a bunch of little tweaks.

It’s fun to know that it would be entirely plausible to patch Aqua almost completely out of the early versions of Mac OS X. I had no idea any of this survived, in such a complete form, past the Developer Previews/PB

Steve Troughton-Smith

Bonus screenshot of OmniGraffle running in the OPENSTEP-style interface, on Mac OS X v10.0

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