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Natasha Jay :mastodon: 🇪🇺

I think many of us agree. The concept of binary gender is a huge societally imposed and nonsensical stereotype when you unpack and look at it dispassionately and at its various levels. But nonbinary folk get that, or reach that level of understanding

Bob Jamieson

@Natasha_Jay @LukaLoginska Female and male genders each have their own strengths, so a mix of the two is a win/win in terms of personality and understanding. In the present patriarch dominated world it would benefit everyone if more males were in touch with their femininity.

Natasha Jay :mastodon: 🇪🇺

@bobjmsn @LukaLoginska
And then for some 💎​s neither male/masc and female/fem really get even close to covering it. Realms of gender experienced in colour, light, shape and other analogies 😍​ :heart_nb:​ :heart_gq:​

Bob Jamieson

@Natasha_Jay @LukaLoginska Live to enjoy every colour in your rainbow and every quirk in your personality. Only you are you so enjoy and amplify every talent your personality gifts you with.

Natasha Jay :mastodon: 🇪🇺

@bobjmsn @LukaLoginska
Gender is very societally boxed and policed everywhere ...

I have trans friends in the Philippines which is pretty trans friendly but even so - until recently their culture has had 4 genders -

- essentially cis male and female (ultra masc and femme, via Spanish colonial influences) plus
- "bakla" (essentially trans female) and
- "tomboy" (essentially trans male) plus both the trans ids are historically heavily conflated with sexuality stereotyping

It's changing their too ... becoming more diverse in the u25s

@bobjmsn @LukaLoginska
Gender is very societally boxed and policed everywhere ...

I have trans friends in the Philippines which is pretty trans friendly but even so - until recently their culture has had 4 genders -

- essentially cis male and female (ultra masc and femme, via Spanish colonial influences) plus
- "bakla" (essentially trans female) and
- "tomboy" (essentially trans male) plus both the trans ids are historically heavily conflated with sexuality stereotyping

Bob Jamieson

@Natasha_Jay @LukaLoginska I grew up in the Shetland Islands where gender was considered binary when I was young. Recently we sold our home to friends whom we look on as family, a transgender woman and her partner. They tell us the community has been welcoming and helpful, which makes me hopeful for the future of my former home. Familiarity breeds acceptance and better people.

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