AI Generative Fill working in GIMP via Intel OpenVINO Plug-in

OpenVINO™ Image Generator Plugin with Stable Diffusion

#gimp #openvino #AI #graphics #stablediffusion #neuralnetwork #GAN

A. Prompt to Image

- Create or choose a layer
- Select Stable Diffusion from the drop down list in layers -> OpenVINO-AI-Plugins
- Choose the desired model and device from the drop down list.
- Click on "Load Models" to compile & load the model on the selected device. Wait for it to complete. Please note that you need to perform this step only if you change the model or device or both. For any subsequent runs just click "Run Inference"
- Enter prompt and other parameters
- Click on “Run Inference”. Wait for the total inference steps to get completed.

B. Image to Image

C. Stable-Diffusion-1.5 Inpainting