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Johannes Ernst

Many of the heated debates about the future of the #fediverse can be summarized as:

"We have something special here. Let's work hard to preserve it".


"We have great opportunities here. Let's charge forward and change the world."

A form of conservative (from latin: conservare) vs progressive (from latin: pro-gredi) I suppose.

Steve Bate

@J12t I tend to have progressive leanings, but I understand both perspectives. My conservative side would be concerned about motivations to "change the world" without qualifying it as "positive change" or identifying who may lose or gain from the change. I feel like progressives could do better with evaluating possible unintended negative consequences of major changes. I'd guess that there was more than one "change the world" motivational speech in the early days of Twitter and Facebook.


@J12t care to elaborate on the change the future camp? what are the great opportunities because obviously progressivism is good.

Johannes Ernst

@sayonaraminasan Excellent question, because I think the progress-the-fediverse side (myself included) has not articulated clearly what that promising future actually can look like. (That's actually what led to this particular post in the first place.)

We need to work on this.

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