“This contains a spacecraft?”
I opened the case to show the cabin crew.
“WHOA! Is that the real spacecraft that went to space?!!”
I mean that WOULD be cool, but the real Hayabusa2 is 20 times the size, still in space and no way would I allow what was about the happen.
I handed the case to the cabin crew.
They wanted to strap the model into its seat before the main boarding. I accompanied them through the gate to the aeroplane door but then permitted the case to be squirrelled away.
I was in limbo land.
Having scanned my boarding pass to accompany the model to the plane door, I was then left to roam the empty hallway until boarding could begin. The wheelchair users went ahead, but I was allowed to board with the parents of young children.
I found my “child” neatly strapped in. I noticed it had bagged the window seat.
A lady came and sat down on my right, giving me and my model an askance look.
Body parts. Full of human organs. She was sure of it. I could tell.