@ZachWeinersmith I think we're downplaying mad social science's lethality here given that covers both political science AND economics @ZachWeinersmith@mastodon.socialnow now I'm going to be thinking all afternoon about where geologists should be placed. @ZachWeinersmith after the last kurzgesagt in a few years i expect to see a follow up to this with the biologist standing over the chemists body sprouting mushrooms and cackling or something @ZachWeinersmith Introvert mathematician: stares fixedly at own shoes. @ZachWeinersmith I mean, mad chemistry is bad, but mad physics gave us nukes, and mad social science gave us SO much racism... However, I think the cake has to go to mad climate science (sponsored by the fossil fuel industry) @ZachWeinersmith mad humanities is more like racist terrorist manifestos and propaganda, i think. but they require mad chemists, mad biologists, mad physicists/engineers to actually carry out the deeds. @amorphophalex @ZachWeinersmith Not true. We've seen guys with clubs and ropes to be effective enough at committing a genocide. Well, mad humanities gave us Churchill, @ZachWeinersmith Can't help myself but I'm sure I have seen this already by either yourself or by Randall Munroe @ZachWeinersmith Shakespeare doesn't reach today's audience that demand every derivative of stories set a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. Also, too many murders in the tragedies, too many cross-dressers in the comedies. @ZachWeinersmith@mastodon.social are politicians considered to be humanities? If so this chart shall be exponential |
@ZachWeinersmith You've been re-reading Narbonic?