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insecurity princess πŸŒˆπŸ’–πŸ”₯

ADHD for me is like a series of side quests to help me remember the next step in my main quest

In 2016, I started writing this absolutely brilliant blog post, but the next day I forgot my main point

This began a series of side quests to try to remember the point of this half finished blog post. Anyway, long story short, 7 years later I'm a manager of a security team at Netflix and I'm writing a book about power dynamics in management AND I STILL CAN'T REMEMBER THE FUCKING BLOG POST

[FWGS]DjBRINE1 :verified_think: :tiasmile:

I remember developing a special skeleton that holds the points for me for future use, lemme search for it real quick

[FWGS]DjBRINE1 :verified_think: :tiasmile:


("Text": Location - "Location name"; Keywords: "Keyword1", "Keyword2", "Keyword3")

Here's the explanation of how it works:

I put this system on each potential paragraph of text

"Text" - is the area where you write your text

Location - "Location name” - can hold a theme of this specific paragraph, or the location it happens in.

Keywords - are the specific words you want to use in each paragraph.

Basically this structure allows you to wrap the text around each keyword properly even after a long time of not seeing the text you had worked with.

Obviously after the paragraph's text is finished, you can remove this skeleton and proceed onto writing another paragraph with it, or even proceed on winging it if you caught your wind


("Text": Location - "Location name"; Keywords: "Keyword1", "Keyword2", "Keyword3")

Here's the explanation of how it works:

I put this system on each potential paragraph of text

"Text" - is the area where you write your text

Location - "Location name” - can hold a theme of this specific paragraph, or the location it happens in.

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