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Nikolaj Nikolajev, MP, announced new changes to the transition ban law, which is currently in line for the second hearing. They include:

* The nullification of all legal gender change certificates, which haven't been used for surgical changes and passport updates. Those who have "changed their sex" and are currently married will have their marriage nullified
* People who have changed their legal gender will be banned from adopting children and becoming their caregivers
* The part about the "medical intervention ban" has been altered to include any drugs. This is effectively a ban on any forms of HRT

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@halva Damnnnn Russia really sucks for LGBT people, especially trans people

Purple :verified:

@halva I fear for LGBT people in Russia more then ever :(


@Purple yeah it hasnt been very fun for us here for the past... 3 years straight, because the more accepting the population has become, the more the state cracked down on us

and the war and the overall fascisation of the state did not help

im kinda glad lucky i dont need hrt or surgery at least, because what's happening right now is straight up horrifying

DELETED I hate those legislators so much... they throw under a bus a bunch of innocent people who just want to live their lives in comfort and happiness like everyone else, treat them as criminals (they deemed legal gender change as felony on national TV channels) and don't even care about it. they don't care about anyone but themselves
the Ministry of Health reviewed this law proposal as harmful, warned the Duma of suicide risks, so the Duma speaker told them to drop this attitude by the second hearing. they don't even fucking care I hate those legislators so much... they throw under a bus a bunch of innocent people who just want to live their lives in comfort and happiness like everyone else, treat them as criminals (they deemed legal gender change as felony on national TV channels) and don't even care about it. they don't care about anyone but themselves
the Ministry of Health reviewed this law proposal as harmful, warned the Duma of suicide risks, so the Duma speaker told them to drop this attitude by the...

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