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Austin’s Art :fediverse:

@Curator totally understand that! Just thought the Russian thing would bring some people to chat about it, but I guess people have different interests

Mastodon•ART 🎨 Curator

@austinsart I've seen loads of folk talking about the Russian news today from my personal account! I'm following just over a thousand people from there though. You're only following 30-ish so you're not going to see much at all in your home feed, the local feed is mostly dominated by art and people often post news and current events stuff unlisted so they won't show up in the public feeds.

I think you'll get far more mileage from one of the huge general-topic instances for that stuff though :D

Ian Jago

@Curator @austinsart I find the easiest way to keep up with things that interest me is to search and follow hashtags, then use that to follow interesting individuals.

On a personal level, I try and avoid those topics here, not because I don't care, but because I need to keep my spirits up / take care of my mental health. It seems easy enough to (generally) avoid or follow these things - which instance you are on doesn't matter much unless you want to find certain topics on the local timeline.

Austin’s Art :fediverse:

@ianjago @Curator totally understandable but good tips overall. I rarely discuss news/politics crap here because of how polarizing it is. But the Russia news was funny to watch 😂😂 and I wanted to discuss that but yeah I’m gonna try the hashtags and see how that goes, I’ll probably still make a personal secondary account because it’s probably good to distinguish art away from myself when I’m not doing art.


@austinsart @Curator @ianjago Totally agree with this. The reason why I left birdie site was due to getting sucked into lots of things that didn’t do my mh any good. So I’m one of the ones that sticks my fingers in my ears when news is on etc and like is mainly about art.

Austin’s Art :fediverse:

@artbycutting @Curator @ianjago yeah, I didn’t mind much of the news, the misinformation that’s being allowed there has caused me to block some accounts there. That’s one thing that I am glad about that mastodon dosen’t allow that here

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