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Zak Kaufman :1password:

@mpanhans I’ve been using iPhones for most of my adult life. If I was going to get an Android phone now, it might be a Pixel. Those typically receive very good extended support from the community.

Fairphone is appealing in theory, but I’ve been spoiled by flagship specs and I don’t really see myself wanting to compromise on quality for the sake of longevity. An iPhone gets you the good stuff plus the ~7 years of updates in some cases.

Henrik Hemrin

@zak @mpanhans I agree with your statement that a mobile phone should last long - and stay secure. And that Apple is doing generally better than Google so far. I have started to look into alternative OS and recently I moved to /e/OS which has a desire to be updated longer than Google-Android. /e/OS is based on LineageOS, which is based on open Android. I use Samsung S9, it runs on /e/OS based Android 10 and is updated. /e/OS has just launched Fairphone 4 for US, from Murena. 1/2

Henrik Hemrin

@zak @mpanhans An alternative I am interested in is Volla phone with Volla OS, also an opensource Android fork I believe has a longer life than Google-Android. Furthermore, a "true" LinuxOS is of course very interesting, but probabaly Waydroid needs further development so critical Android apps works. Like Ubuntu touch on Volla phone, Librem 5 and more. But not really mainstream yet...! 2/2

Zak Kaufman :1password:

@hehemrin Yep, I’m closely watching most of these projects. Some of them could work for me, but of course iOS is currently the easier option.

Matt Panhans

@zak Yep I’m on an iPhone 8 and I do give credit to apple for supporting this device for as long as they have. Am hoping to switch away at some point though once there are compelling enough alternatives


@zak @mpanhans That's basically how I feel. Currently on an iPhone 11, waiting to see the next release to see what they are doing with USB-C and potentially sideloading before deciding on either the next iPhone or a Pixel.

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