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@metaphase @laminda

cooperatives are socialism, not capitalism.

so the comparison is more like unions are the gpl of the capitalistic system. where they try to stop some of the damage.

but the actual solution being #publicdomain aka abolish copyright. same as cooperatives are the solution to leave capitalism behind :)


@msavoritias @laminda If a bird can create a nest from anti-bird spikes, one can perhaps aspire to create a pocket of socialism within spikier unfriendly capitalism.

These are intermediate ways of being, and taking steps between where we are and where we could be.

Ellie 🏴🏳️‍⚧️

@msavoritias @metaphase @laminda

Cooperatives are not socialism. Capitalism isn't when bosses, capitalism is private property and the capitalist mode of production, bosses are a symptom of that.

Worker coops get rid of the bosses, but maintain the existence of private property (the coop is private property of its workers), wage labour and the profit motive, and are subject to market forces (ie they compete with other companies and so their options to better the working conditions are limited). Therefore in a coop the same capitalist exploitation takes place, only that it is self managed. This would not change if every company was a coop.

Sure, coops are better than other companies for a variety of reasons, but they're still entities firmly within the capitalist system. They're ✨social democracy +✨, not socialism.

Like unions, they can pave the way towards socialism though.


@msavoritias @metaphase @laminda

Cooperatives are not socialism. Capitalism isn't when bosses, capitalism is private property and the capitalist mode of production, bosses are a symptom of that.

Worker coops get rid of the bosses, but maintain the existence of private property (the coop is private property of its workers), wage labour and the profit motive, and are subject to market forces (ie they compete with other companies and so their options to better the working conditions are limited). Therefore...

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