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John Dark

Oof. #climatechange
Text edited to add citation from Paulo Ceppi, a climate scientist at London’s Grantham Institute via WaPo: "Instrument-based global temperature records go back to the mid-19th century, but for temperatures before that, scientists are dependent on proxy data captured through evidence left in tree rings and ice cores. “These data tell us that it hasn’t been this warm since at least 125,000 years ago, which was the previous interglacial,” Ceppi said, referring to a period of unusual warmth between two ice ages."


@johndark I'm inclined to believe it's true, but a citation for the 100,000 years figure would be nice.


@solownh @johndark Much appreciated. The link, that is. The climate change, I'm not liking at all. I'd much prefer the climate to stabilize.

Uncle CharlieA

@Legit_Spaghetti @johndark

Tree rings and ice cores….my money is scientists somewhere have all the data they need to estimate temperature variations going back a lot longer than you and I can imagine. I believe in science!

[yaseenist] Toa
@Legit_Spaghetti @johndark the data is about recorded weather history im pretty sure and given climate trends we are aware of we know that up until like 100k years ago we can be pretty sure there wasnt a hotter day because the climate was colder

@johndark And the world has been slapping the snooze button for about a hundred years


@oscarfalcon @johndark time to ban private jets and air conditioning..oh wait…


@johndark fuck i thought saudi aramco said this wouldnt happen.

rem :tux:

@johndark I absolutely believe that climate change is happening and that we need to be doing much more about it.

But I cannot find a source that would confirm the statement in the second panel. The best I found is that the last 7 days was the hottest 7-day period on record (which goes back 44 years).

The 7 hottest days ever all happening in the last 7 days and the average temperature of the last 7 days being the highest of any recorded 7-day period are pretty different statements.

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