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Lesley Carhart :unverified:

God damn it, I never make dad jokes, but the electrician just showed up and it is a husband+wife duo. I could not resist a "ah, power couple" and it fell flat, fam. IT FELL FLAT.

XenoPhage :verified:

@hacks4pancakes I giggled for you. That was a primo dad joke. I love it.


@hacks4pancakes you should ask them how many people have said the exact same thing before you did


@hacks4pancakes it is witty! i'm only suggesting you arent the first person to use the line on them :D


@hacks4pancakes you and I have had our brains touch before - im willing to wager thats been the elsewhere as well :D - your wittiness has clearly rubbed off on someone else, and they got to them before you did.

it's the only possible explanation :D


@Viss @hacks4pancakes nah. There are a lot more oblivious people out there than you think


@hacks4pancakes @Viss Maybe, but your looks AND your wit just kills. It kills.

Rick Owens

@hacks4pancakes @Viss It was witty, watty, and a perfectly acceptable current usage.

Chalk Outline Hieroglyph

I think you got robbed. That pun was shockingly good!

Kyle Rankin

@hacks4pancakes Bummer, you'd think if anyone could appreciate a joke like that, they conduit.

Nick Craver

@hacks4pancakes The only thing I can conclude here is that we're obviously not calling them again


@hacks4pancakes that joke is hilarious and nobody should ever tell you otherwise


@hacks4pancakes wait until you get the bill. Maybe you’ll get a charge out of it. :)


@hacks4pancakes I firmly believe that if a pun falls in a forest, and nobody gets it, it darned well still makes a sound.

Rick Owens

@hacks4pancakes :flan_laugh:​ at the joke, and their loss!

Ed Cates

@hacks4pancakes Clearly you need to kick them out and find a new electrician. Sorry, I don't make the rules. The universe has spoken.


@hacks4pancakes their loss - that’s funny as hell right there


@hacks4pancakes I appreciate you! I would of asked which one of you is AC and which one is DC..

David J. Bianco (He/Him)

@hacks4pancakes Holy crap, that must have been the best. setup. EVER!

I'm proud of you for making it. Even if no one else got it. You did it for the art of the thing.

🥥 Tucker Carlson's Nuts 🥥

@skydog @DavidJBianco @hacks4pancakes
🥥 VERY impressed with your show biz credentials as expressed in your bio, Stu!
It probably won't interest you in the least to hear this -- but I'm going to tell you anyway -- that I was the understudy to the understudy for the role of in a summer stock production of . (We couldn't afford to pay the royalty for .) 🥥

Julie (she/they) 🚝🏳️‍⚧️🏹🎯

@hacks4pancakes I had a mason show up to do some work on my chimney and he introduced himself as Darryl.

I asked if he had any brothers named Darryl.

Total miss.

I thought it was funny...

mav :happy_blob:

@robotfactory @hacks4pancakes

"I'm confused. Where's Larry? I thought it was clear that y'all arrived in a very specific order"

🥥 Tucker Carlson's Nuts 🥥

@awalton @hacks4pancakes
🥥 I would have a snappy comeback if I could just remember 's name. 🥥


@hacks4pancakes Ah, the couple must have a high resistance.

NoTheOtherNick :donor:

@da_667 @hacks4pancakes Yeah I don't see what's wrong, that joke is very current.

NoTheOtherNick :donor:

@k3ggy @da_667 @hacks4pancakes If everyone needs to calm down from the dad jokes, just chant Ohm a few times....

ctrl-k x

@NoTheOtherNick @karl @da_667 @hacks4pancakes I read this thread to my pun-hating electrics-loving wife and I think she short-circuited

Gregory Hays

@hacks4pancakes Yeah, you'd need to be an actual dad to pull this one off.


@aristofontes @hacks4pancakes As an actual dad, absolutely the fuck not. This was GOLD.

Ian Bowers

@hacks4pancakes Tragic. This is solid. You deserved the laughs.

Jenkins instance 🐶🐾

@hacks4pancakes that’s a genius line 🤣🤣🤣 sorry it didn’t slay


@hacks4pancakes heartbreaking. clearly a sign of the breakdown of society.

Joel M. Benge - Nerd That Talks Good

@hacks4pancakes damn it. That’s supposed to be a GIF of Rick Moranis giving a thumbs up. But I guess all you get are dad khakis.


@hacks4pancakes the joke was clearly indicated 😂😂😜

Eric Kolb (he/him) :donor:

@hacks4pancakes You mean your former electrician, right? Because, wow, there's no coming back from that. You just gotta set them free.

Gary Hyslop

@hacks4pancakes “Death is easy, comedy is hard.” FWIW, I think it’s awesome.

Cameron Presley

@hacks4pancakes Seems like they were well-grounded and not too amped up about your lines


@hacks4pancakes It was amazing. And unfair that they didn’t chuckle.


I'm shocked. If I were an electrician, I would have gotten a good jolt out of it. Maybe they blew a humor capacitor or two...

BPlanZ :donor:

@hacks4pancakes The joke was so powerful it blew the humor circuit breaker

Douglas King

God, that's perfect. You'll never get another one like that.

Captain Edward Jellico

@hacks4pancakes I bet they're great electricians since they weren't shocked by your joke.


@hacks4pancakes I guess they weren't that... shocked? 😆

derek the solarboi

@hacks4pancakes as an electrician, that would have absolutely made my day, even if I had heard it 50 times before

🥥 Tucker Carlson's Nuts 🥥

@solarboi @hacks4pancakes 🥥 As a former , I would have laughed at that joke even if I had heard it 500 times before, Derek. 🥥

Zalasur 🐵

@hacks4pancakes That's too bad, since it sounded like a real zinger!

Evelyn :grape_heart: :donor:

@hacks4pancakes I'm sorry for your loss. At the VERY least, it deserved a guttural groan, which is just as good as a laugh.


@hacks4pancakes that poorly reflects on them because that's a straight up ace


@hacks4pancakes @britt I feel like that's on them@😂🤷🏽‍♂️⚡️

Laurence Hart

@hacks4pancakes I loved it. Told it to my kids. One even grimaced

🥥 Tucker Carlson's Nuts 🥥

@Piewords @hacks4pancakes
🥥 As a dad, I'll take a grimace from a family member as equivalent to a laugh from a stranger. 🥥

Som Snytt

@hacks4pancakes "power coupling" drains some force from the pun. I wonder if there is a word in rhetoric for such a "shadow pun". But I chuckled with everyone else. You'd slay on the comedy circuit. Oh, more electrical pun.

Rich Smith ":unverified:" (Ace Tomato Company)

@hacks4pancakes better hit that Absence of Voltage Tester. I don't think that couple was lit.


I liked it, but then I am older than dirt.

jr conlin


Too bad, it's top notch.

I wonder if going with "Ah, an electrician's union" would have gone better?

Angus Marshall

@hacks4pancakes Probably too depressed by current events.


@hacks4pancakes NOOOO, how could it????? How???? it's excellent!

Faux around & find out🦊🍸

@hacks4pancakes They’re DC, and you’re the live wire. “Penny in your fuzebox?”


@hacks4pancakes It fell flat?? Dude, cut off all work now. Remove them from the premises!


@hacks4pancakes that should be the name of their damn company. waste!!!


The best puns are found disguised in real life. Did not, could not make this up.
— Dr.


Resistance + power couples
== heat - humility

Hugh Young


How many times do you think they'd heard it already that day?

🥥 Tucker Carlson's Nuts 🥥

@hugh @hacks4pancakes
🥥 Objection, your honor.
That couple should not be allowed to work with the public! 🥥

Hugh Young

@JStatePost @hacks4pancakes

Yes, more than knowledge of electricity and electrical safety, it is an essential requirement for public-facing electicians to _laugh uproariously at unfunny jokes_.

(A rule obviously made by someone who doesn't live with two dad-joke-attracting names.)

Tom Levenson

@hacks4pancakes I sense some resistance on your part. Perhaps the humor gap between a client in need of a service and those providing it impeded the transmission of that joke. Or perhaps it is simply that "power couples" are yesterday's news, and you have failed to keep current.

I'll see myself out.


@hacks4pancakes that’s a goddamned travesty, is what that is.

🥥 Tucker Carlson's Nuts 🥥

@tantramar @hacks4pancakes
🥥 Evidence, if any were needed, that life is NOT fair. 🥥

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