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Johannes Ernst

So a #meta rep has shown up in the #w3c #swicg that works on #activitypub. That’s a good sign in my book … it indicates Meta is serious implementing it, and it wants to be standards compliant in doing so.

Of course, no guarantees, but we take all steps in the right direction as a form of progress.

James M.

@J12t perhaps. It could also mean attempted standards capture, i.e. where companies try to influence standards development for their own benefit. (I wasn't at the meeting so for all I know the person is fine and well-intentioned; I'm just pointing out the phenomenon which does sometimes happen.)

Johannes Ernst

@jamesmarshall that’s true for everybody not just big cos :-)

TheCityDweller :verified_gay:

@J12t So let's say Meta would open its new site for ActivityPub/the Fediverse. How many servers would block them, introducing artificial splits/schisms?

How does a huge Fediverse instance having - let's say - 90% of all users - and the remaining 10% on 40,000 instances - work out?

In case they adopt the Microsoft "embrace and extend"-mantra that could cause huge side effects...

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