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Johannes Ernst

We are going to do a #Fediverse developer network call Thursday morning California time. The main agenda item is discussion of what #threads might mean for us as developers shipping #activitypub code as part of our projects.

If you are a developer, feel free to participate, details are posted to Matrix (go to and sign up)

Johannes Ernst

@jamesmarshall Check the Matrix group. I don't want to post the coordinates in more than one place, because I'm sure to get it wrong, or it gets changed in one place but not the other etc. ...

Juan Luis

@J12t Hopefully the result of the meeting will be "to protect us from Threads, we have to address the main UX pain points of Mastodon/the broader Fediverse, hence (1) migrate posts/nomadic identity/OIDC login to achieve true instance/node mobility, (2) "fetch replies" (manually or automagically) to truly participate in conversations we care about, and (3) be able to *search my own posts* to avoid alienating power users"

(totally selfish list of feature requests of course)

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