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Csepp 🌢

@cblgh Oooh, I quite like this approach to open source. 🤔

Giving the demo a go on Guix...
Hm, it's a static binary, which is nice, but it does try to use /lib64/, which doesn't exist on Guix, and I'm pretty sure has a different name on Musl based systems like Alpine.
Not a deal breaker, but it does mean I'll have to figure out what packages it needs and run it in an FHS container with them.

Csepp 🌢

@cblgh Also some tags for better visibility in the OP might be a good idea.

Alexander Cobleigh

@csepp any suggestion of tags? i don't really know so many except ours here in the town

Csepp 🌢

@cblgh Hmm, I guess the obvious ones would be RSS and feedReader.

Alexander Cobleigh

@csepp oh dang! yeah i tried my best to make it a static binary that would work on the most machines, would love to hear what you can find out & how i can maybe patch things up :)

i'll write a post some time about the baroque deploy maneuver i opted for to increase baseline compatibility across linux systems. but still very much a baby in that regard :')

Csepp 🌢

@cblgh I don't know that much about the arcane art of dynamic library loading sadly. I think on Guix an FHS container is probably the best you can do, because the libraries it needs are not put in user profiles, so you can't just rely on some path variable.
As for Alpine... hmm... I guess just hardcoding a fallback to the musl loader is one option. 🤔

Csepp 🌢

@cblgh Did more testing, it's looking for, Guix has and, and some symlinked variants with simpler names, but no libwebkit2gtk-4.0. So all the webkitgtk libraries are newer.
Most generically named one is

Csepp 🌢

@cblgh That means an FHS container won't be enough, I'd have to fake the library names somehow. This might manifest on other distros too that have different (mostly newer) versions of WebkitGTK.


@csepp @cblgh plus one to all of the above. You will have the same pains with something like nix(os). These kinds of systems depend on you building for them since they break the „old ways“ deliberately. Giving a list of dependencies to them is forthcoming enough in my book.

Alexander Cobleigh

@cryptix @csepp ahhh good to know! i am very new to distributing binaries like this, i'll see what how we can improve this going forward :>

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