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Johannes Ernst

Today's #AIs are really just large statistical models gobbling up billions of data points from all over the internet and regurgitating them without understanding a thing. Like parrots. Super parrots. Very expensive ones.

So I propose to rename AIs like #chatGPT #bard and #copilot to:

"billion-dollar super parrot".

IMHO it works well in conversation. When somebody says "#AI will take your jobs" you respond "Oh yes, all those billion-dollar super-parrots will do a much better job than me."


@J12t I enjoy the sentiment, but we humans are parrots ourselves, we learn from others and imitate/repeat.

AI, parrots, can just do this at hyper speed, which will sadly push out low stakes or automatable work.

This wouldn't be so bad if it were to benefit society at large and not just enrich the capitalist class:(

Johannes Ernst


Hopefully humans parrot and then think about it. The problem is the second part is missing in today's AI.

I cannot capture all the complexity in a simple phrase, but repositioning the "god-like AI that will take over and enslave us now any second" as nothing else than an unthinking parrot is one important dimension.

If it turns out that there are jobs this parrot can take over, it also sheds an interesting light on that job ...

Just an idea for the next conference panel :-)


I agree that is an important distinction for sure. I'm actually of the belief that most jobs outside of garbage collection, farming, water treatment and healthcare are not "essential"... A la #davidgraeber 's famous book Bullshit Jobs ... This puts artists, lawyers, accounts, copywriters, traders and a whole host of others w/o a means to survive in #capitalist society...if we lived in star trek world it wouldn't matter;)

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