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Darth Putin

How dare Ukraine be given cluster weapons to use on our military like we use on their civilians…..


@DarthPutinKGB when I listen to media and politicians of my home-country, I get the impression that Ukraine invaded russia, and with the help of cluster-munitions from the US tries to take Moscow in 3 days. It’s like a mass-hysteria against the victims self-defense. Holy cow!


@NAFO_69th_Sniffing_Brigade @DarthPutinKGB

They're held to such a ridiculous moral standard that I swear these media organizations want a narrative of 'it's OK if Ukraine falls, so long as they're destroyed with a morally clean slate.'

You nailed it by saying it feels like they're presenting it as Ukraine invaded Russia. Point on.

Walter8100000 🇳🇱🇺🇦

@Nerper @NAFO_69th_Sniffing_Brigade @DarthPutinKGB According to a lot of Russians Ukraine annexed part of Russia in 1990 with the fall of the USSR. They forget that Russia itself agreed with these new borders.


@Nerper @DarthPutinKGB they are knowingly altering the perception of the situation, by leaving out COMPLETELY all the time, how the complete situation for Ukraine looks like. It’s a nightmare, it’s plain propaganda, no journalism or political standpoints at all. Propaganda.

Giles Edwards

@NAFO_69th_Sniffing_Brigade @DarthPutinKGB ...not to say that it would necessarily be a bad thing if Moscow were taken in 3 days.

The only country I can think of that would be worse to have in charge there would be North Korea.

Not David Beckham

I have no opinion on cluster bombs that is different from my opinion on any bomb, even cherry.

That said, two wrongs don’t make a right, but 3 rights make a left.

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