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electronics flea market time! this one is at West Valley College in Silicon Valley.


a bunch of betacam decks and other broadcast equipment


@tubetime the one in front has a weird keyboard!

Григорий Клюшников

Tube, kinda funny that the old iMac is $20 more than a modern-ish MacBook


@tubetime I'd be picking up that Atari, myself


@tubetime So do I. But the price of Atari customs has gone through the roof so if I get a chance to pick up a working set again, I'm gonna take it.

janusfox 🍅

@tubetime Lovely selection of flavors, but I'm eyeing that 800XL!

Natik Gadzhi

@tubetime damn that Atari looks so cool 👀

Can I convince you to grab it and ship to Bend?


@natik sorry, I don't grab and ship stuff for folks. I'd get overwhelmed pretty quickly

Joe Pasqua

@tubetime doggone it. I’m in Menlo Park this weekend but forgot that the FM was this morning.

Larzarus ☠

@tubetime We *almost* went today. Had plans and everything. But circumstances said no. Maybe next month. So glad its back.

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