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Dr. Damien P. Williams, Magus

As many if not most of you know, I have been writing about the ethical, epistemological, and social implications of of GPT-type tools since shortly after they hit the scene, and I've been writing about those same implications in "A.I." for a lot longer than that.

Now I am proud to present my article "Bias Optimizers," wherein American Scientist Magazine gave me the space and time to talk about those all of those things, to a very wide audience. I hope you enjoy it:


@Wolven I'd love to read your article, but it's paywalled. (sigh)

Anthony Dardis

@Wolven @sarahc Yikes, I want to read this! The American Scientist site is telling me I have to subscribe to access it. (I tried just "registering" but that didn't seem to be enough.) My Uni's access to the journal covers everything except the most recent number (4).

Dr. Damien P. Williams, Magus

@Adardis @sarahc drat, that's very unfortunate; do you know if the uni access is just a timing thing, or something else?

Anthony Dardis

@Wolven @sarahc It's a timing thing, I expect I will be able to see the latest number in a few weeks. Thanks!


@Adardis @Wolven It's timing for me, too, so I shlould only have to wait a few weeks.


@Adardis @Wolven I actually registered, but it didn't let me choose which story I wanted to read out of the current issue. My public library has access to the journal, but not to the current issue. Grr.

Shyra :flagQueerVillainPride:

@Wolven @slimepsychic

You were pontificating on this earlier, @jaycie :ablobcatheartsqueeze:

PJ Coffey


I had a go at reproducing your work with Chat GPT on our podcast but it threw a gear and then nipped into overanalysis of the question.



I'm sorry to inform you that no one will get any significant amount of new readers by having a just-freely-register site with such mandatory fields:

Dr. Damien P. Williams, Magus

@teixi and I'm sorry to inform you that i genuinely do not control the registration and login criteria for an enitre national professional organization's public facing magazine journal. 🤷🏾‍♂️



of course Dr, I was just commenting for the possible readers like myself, yet not directed to the author himself ;)

Dr. Damien P. Williams, Magus

@teixi fair. I will say, though, you're not the only person noting this, and if enough people email the magazine about this, directly, it may have some real impact


@teixi @Wolven
Just because it’s a scientific journal doesn’t mean you can’t lie on the registration. I knew someone who used kung fu master as his title…


@sollat @Wolven

Not so!
my commentary was about the friction having such nonsensical PII requirements and such horrible looking unreliable UI/UX form, etc.
the friction searching alternative sites


George Station

@Wolven Just as FYI (seeing paywall gripes that aren't in your control) it looks like campus libraries carry American Scientist. (Ours has both print & digital.)

EBSCO has up through May-June now, so I'd expect your July-Aug article to pop up any day.


@Wolven is it likely going to be possible in the future to read the article anonymously?

Dr. Damien P. Williams, Magus

@iwein i know that the physical copies will be available in some stores, and that many people with either public or university library access have an institutional subscription, but otherwise I do not know

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