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Jan Wildeboer 😷:krulorange:

If some people say the #fediverse is a left-progressive project, it only shows how successful we collectively are to block the Nazis. Loads of far-right instances and users exist in the fediverse. Gab, anyone? But defederation and blocking makes that part invisible to most of us. They still exist and federate amongst themselves. ActivityPub, the protocol, is neutral. We decide what we want and not want. The fediverse is a herd of Venn diagrams, not a closed circle.


@jwildeboer I think “Herd of Venn diagrams” with a corresponding image could be a very nice Mastodon T-shirt.

Lorraine Lee
@jwildeboer @DerMolly The question on my mind is, how many disjoint graphs? Is that even an answerable question?
Simon Brooke

@jwildeboer This is true, but I see it as a good thing. Don't you?

We get to talk in a generally not-very-confrontational space; to encounter masses of fascinating and inspirational people; to discuss how to tackle the major problems of our age without our discussions being massively disrupted.

I don't think I greatly care if the Nazis are off in a little pool by themselves, talking to one another. I mean, I hope SOMEONE is monitoring what they're planning, but I'm glad it's not in our face!

Jan Wildeboer 😷:krulorange:

@simon_brooke I never said I see it as a bad thing. But I also don't claim that my bubble is the only thing that exists in the fediverse.


@simon_brooke @jwildeboer

That is the question. Is it better for a democratic society to create an echo chamber like in real life with family and friends or to seek confrontation to maybe find a consensus.

I don't know!🤷‍♂️
It would be nice to hear what science has found out.


@simon_brooke @jwildeboer

Try looking a little wider than just Nazis. That's how my question was meant.

But I have already received (unfortunately only) one answer.
'Paradox of tolerance' by Popper.

Sharon Machlis

@jan_kirsch @simon_brooke @jwildeboer People in less societal-powerful demographics typically already have enough confrontation in their lives and don't need more of it. Those who are privileged enough not to have that exhaustive every-day life experience may not fully understand.
For example, I'm not interested in seeking confrontation online with misogynists. My real life already has plenty of them, and I won't convince any of them here of anything.


@jwildeboer the #fediverse is a lot like how google imagined google+ circles to be. Just not owned by any one entity, thus far greater.


@jwildeboer the word "Nazi" is overloaded. Today everything is Nazi, my grandma probably rolls in her grave

Peter Kraus

@_tinfoil_hat @jwildeboer Well, at least in the case of the Landtag member for Thuringia it's certified: Björn Höcke is a Nazi.

Jan Wildeboer 😷:krulorange:

@pkraus @_tinfoil_hat Id say the term Nazi is not even close to overloaded. By using seemingly friendlier names like far-right or „besorgte Bürger“ in Germany, we add to the creeping acceptance of fascism in our democratic societies and risk losing democracy altogether. Again.

hazelnot :yell:

@_tinfoil_hat @jwildeboer it's the most accurate word to describe these violently racist, antisemitic, queerphobic people. We'll stop calling them Nazis when they stop being Nazis.


@jwildeboer that's an interesting element of the whole "will threads federated / how will threads federate" discussion.

All the talk here is if instances will just block threads, but now I'm wondering if Meta will have the foresight to preemptively suspend gab and truth social et al.

TJ Radcliffe

@jwildeboer My sense is the fediverse is more progress toward actually expanded choices for everyone than the usual left-progressive ideological circus one often finds in online spaces. It feels more like USENet, where arguments and even flame-wars happened, but there was still a sense that we were all *trying* to make the world more free in the sense of everyone being able to have more choices, even while we disagreed about how to do that.

M.S. Bellows, Jr.

@jwildeboer Agree completely. If someone wants to come into the fediverse and argue for lower taxes, school vouchers, smaller government, or similar (wrongheaded but nevertheless legitimate) policies that conservatives used to define themselves by, they would be welcome. People would debate them, Just as we did in the early days of Twitter. It's only assholes who aren't welcome here.

ˈdälfən™🐬 💥 🌊

@jwildeboer @msbellows That’s exactly it. People don’t want to be around freaking alt-Right neo-Nazis. The problem is there is hardly a distinction between them and the current Republican party.

Admin Robin 🏳️‍🌈 🇪🇺 :verified:

@jwildeboer I read on German Twitter that right-wing individuals have started calling Mastodon "linksgrün versifftes Twitter," which translates to "left-green filth-infested Twitter."


@robin @jwildeboer as opposed to "regular filth-infested Twitter"

🌻 Thoralf Will 🇺🇦🇮🇱

@gavinisdie @jwildeboer depends on how you define it.

If the rude, brutal, narrow minded asshole, that happens to live in your street but everyone is avoiding and switching sides when seen, part of your local community, then yes, gab is part of the #Fediverse.

Not A Bird

@jwildeboer The solution is so perfect. Very much like subreddits without spez to ruin it all.


now that you say it I haven't seen anything relating to the right on Mastodon that is a good thing

maloki 🍍:ghostbat:

@jwildeboer even those two words in American English is still probably very very moderate / centrist, which is worth being aware of. 😅

Keith Sweat

@jwildeboer Is there a lot of active blocking of Nazis happening behind the scenes or is the #fediverse just that more difficult for the general public to use/understand? Acting as a passive gatekeeping mechanism. Aside from not overtly advertising as political, I feel like it’s more the latter.

Alex@rtnVFRmedia Suffolk UK

@damaja @jwildeboer there's a lot of instances quietly blocked behind the scenes, single user "burner" instances set up by the same group of edgelords - they tend to target the large number of LGBT+/trans folk on here and any Black users, and leave alone others (as they are quickly reported and end up having to make another instance).

Fediverse isn't that hard to use, but does attract open minded people who speak more than one language and have a fairly high standard of education..

Keith Sweat

@vfrmedia @jwildeboer that is unfortunate but glad there is a mechanism that works to isolate

João Santos

@damaja @jwildeboer there are plenty of darker corners in the Fediverse like the Gab, they are just under strict quarantine.

Keith Sweat

@jmcs @jwildeboer good to know! i’ll watch where i step :)

Alistair Davidson I disagree about protocol neutrality. Protocols are political economy, and can be propertarian or anti-propertarian. Walled gardens are propertarian; open protocols are anti-propertarian.


@jwildeboer I guess in a sense there is no single #fediverse, but a multitude of overlapping fediverses (and entirely separate fediverses) and which instance you belong to determines which fediverse you're in, and what it can feel like. Sure, most people reading this thread will feel part of the same fediverse, but it's always going to be different to a greater or lesser degree depending which instance you're looking out from. (I think I may have overused the word 'fediverse' in that post)

Jan Wildeboer 😷:krulorange:

@flash987 Yes. Which is why I called it a herd of Venn diagrams :) „The“ fediverse doesn’t exist.

Serge from Babka


Everything you say is true,

At the same time, since you brought up Nazis (and not a neutral word like right wing fascist), to coin a phrase by @raf "Do you love Jews, or do you just hate Nazis?"

That is to say that antisemitism on the Fediverse, and the response to antisemitism on the Fediverse is still a huge problem for Jews, even after all the right wing instances are blocked.

So hearing non-Jews celebrate the absence of Nazis is quite a bitter sting for us.

Jan Wildeboer 😷:krulorange:

@serge @raf No matter what I say, there will always be someone who feels I have not mentioned their problems. I refuse to be blamed for not including all possible permutations in a short toot. If you think I somehow am ignorant of antisemitism, you would be mistaken.

Your post is food for thought. Given that there are out there a significant number of instances that are Nazis and defederated from our instances, we can assume that they federate with one another. Then... Are we the "real" Fediverse? Are we the "good" Fediverse? Can we take the "Fediverse" name for ourselves, and assume "the other side" to be the "imposter" Fediverse?



That we are capable of such coordinated action on the network is only a start. There is still lots of racism and bigotry. We should lean into our willingness to cooperate to further develop mechanisms to do so. To make coordinated action easier and more seamless

Rich Felker

@jwildeboer In my book, "the fediverse" is defined by what's actually federated, not by what speaks a protocol that would allow it to be federated if not for being blocked by everyone. So no, Gab is absolutely not part of "the fediverse".

Stan Wonn 🏳️‍🌈 🌹

@jwildeboer @mekkaokereke Having tried out several of the “Twitter alternatives” over the past few months, I think that Mastodon is much less of an “echo chamber” than the others. So I think your point is well taken.

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