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OmbreMad 🫥

@maddy · Nothing beats the idea that we should do it!

Dana (née Bonnie) K

@maddy As much as I love Celeste, I can respect the artistic integrity.

Dana (née Bonnie) K

@maddy That said, the funniest thing you could do would be to take Doki Doki Panic, reskin it with Celeste characters, and call it Celeste 2.

Micca Feralchain

@maddy yeah but what about super sonic saves the world world 2: yoshi's island

Shattered World Crisis

@maddy As much as I respect this, I’d legit love to see Celeste Classic 2 added to the Pico 8 in Celeste. Well, that and an update to fix controllers on macOS. I haven’t been able to play Celeste in like a year due to it. 😥

Didn't I already play Celeste 2?

@maddy What I'm reading is that it's gonna be set in New Orleans somehow, and I respect the boldness

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