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joene :ecoan: :bij1_flag: :antifa: 🇵🇸 🕊️

#Meta's #Threads wanting to federate with the #fediverse (if that will ever happen 🤞🏻) is a form of #gentrification. A large corporate shopping mall settles in a nice neighborhood with small local run shops and community centers. The new shopping mall says 'if we settle here, more people will come, and you all will benefit'. A few years later all small shops are bankrupt and the community is destroyed. What remains is a barren corporate landscape.

1 comment
joene :ecoan: :bij1_flag: :antifa: 🇵🇸 🕊️

Wow! This toot is exploding! 💨 💣 Also known as a trending post. Anyway, there are some reply guys who do not get the analogy, take it literally (don't take it literally, it's an analogy) or are just neo-liberals who don't know anything about how those filthy surveillance capitalists operate. Fortunately there are a lot of people who actually get it (see the nr. of boosts and favorites). So I'm going to mute the conversation. Have a good day. 👋🏻

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