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Ramsey Nasser

so faced with "openness" what will a corporation do? the only thing it can do: try and turn it into a profit making scheme.

is there a way to make maximal profit while supporting an open network/community/society? theoretically? maybe? but we haven't seen anything like that yet. its a much more straightforward path to enclose the open thing, make it your own, control it and extract value from it.

to expect anything else is to fundamentally misunderstand how the world works.

1 comment
Ramsey Nasser

microsoft spent the 90s trying so hard to enclose the web the american government had to get involved. apple is repeating these tactics on iOS and the EU has had to get involved. XMPP was embraced and killed, google killed reader, the list goes on.

this isnt just a theoretical concern, we have *decades* of experience running the experiment of introducing corporations into open spaces with disastrous consequences. its bonkers to me that people are arguing "this time will be different" somehow

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