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Charlotte Walker

I see the old “too many people are going to university to do Mickey Mouse degrees” trope is doing the rounds again. My son did a degree in Comedy Writing and Performance. Did he get a job in the creative industries? No. Is he earning a good salary? Also no. But he was greatly enriched by studying something he was passionate about for three years. What is wrong with just learning for learning’s sake? Education is not supposed to be merely a mechanism for churning out workers


I think anyone, regardless of age, should be able to take three years out to be able to study whatever subject they like.


@purplepadma @HelenG the idea of career in our society is so lineair (and all encompassing). I think we would all be better off if switching off jobs or doing two radically different things parallel was a feasible option for most people. (This including taking up a study)

Sarah Conner

@wijsgerig @purplepadma @HelenG reminds me of The Dispossessed by Ursula LeGuin

Martin Howitt

@purplepadma I did a degree in physics. Am I now a physicist? No. Am I earning a good salary? Also no. Did I study a subject I was passionate about? Also, also no.

Charlotte Walker

@martinhowitt Oh that’s a shame! I have two degrees, I really enjoyed them both

Martin Howitt

@purplepadma I also gave 2. My point is that studying a so-called “hard” degree doesn’t guarantee you’ll become more of an asset to society than if you studied something completely random

Charlotte Walker

@martinhowitt Oh 100% agree. And what’s the point of training people in law or medicine or education if those professions don’t pay enough to keep people in the public sector?

Black Chic with the Red Truck

This made me lol because my dad is a physicist and I can absolutely picture him saying this. (Though he did use his degree in his work.)


@purplepadma As someone with a degree in Celtic Studies, I absolutely agree with you.

Ariel אריאל 🇮🇱🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️

@purplepadma yes!! Education is not a tool to just support the economy, it is so so much more than that

Ian Thistlethwaite

@purplepadma Your son will use his education throughout his life and no job position will hinder or help that. He'll use it because he learnt stuff and that stuff is now part of him. He is composed of that knowledge. And the world should be terrifically pleased that this is what he now offers in his very being. (I work at a factory and my degree and post-grad are music based, unlike my minimum wage job, and I definitely use my education all the time, so this isn't a guess, lol)


@purplepadma Sadly, that purpose has been priced out for the vast majority of us.

Charlotte Walker

@vertana Well, that depends on whether you think the whole thing (including living away from home, making lifelong friends etc) is worth the student debt I guess. My kids thought it was


@purplepadma @vertana being in a position to take on student debt is not universal, even for people who are eligible for the student loan schemes.

Bombay Lady

@purplepadma @vertana
Not every degree enables students to pay off their student debts. Unfortunately, studying what you love, if it doesn’t directly lead to a job that allows you pay off those student debts, is a privilege most students in the world can’t afford.

Bombay Lady

@purplepadma @vertana However, I do hope that one day every child in the world can pick whatever they wish to study without having to worry about finances and job outcomes.


@purplepadma but part of it is also to discredit fairly important academic fields -- media studies was the big one when I was a teenager. Ha ha ha imagine learning critical media literacy ho ho. Hmmmmmm.

Panama Red

@purplepadma Conservatives want a lot of unthinking drones, while their kids get a quality education.

ts 🚉

@panamared27401 @purplepadma sadly, most liberals seem pretty attached to capitalism, too

Panama Red

@tsyum @purplepadma A lot of them haven't been educated as to alternatives. By design.


@purplepadma I have two degrees in music and am ABD on a PhD in Music Theory. Never worked in a field to use those degrees. Now I'm retired after a 30-year career in IT with an excellent annuity. Regrets? Just a little as I loved teaching, but that was not to be. Did those degrees prepare me for the career I had? No and yes. No because IT != music. Yes because learning how to think about things, order my thoughts, solve problems DID prepare me. My greatest skill in IT was the ability to read and understand documentation for new systems. A surprising number of people cannot seem to do this. I credit my love of reading as a youth and my "humanities" degrees for this ability. Liberal Arts FTW!!

@purplepadma I have two degrees in music and am ABD on a PhD in Music Theory. Never worked in a field to use those degrees. Now I'm retired after a 30-year career in IT with an excellent annuity. Regrets? Just a little as I loved teaching, but that was not to be. Did those degrees prepare me for the career I had? No and yes. No because IT != music. Yes because learning how to think about things, order my thoughts, solve problems DID prepare me. My greatest skill in IT was the ability to read and...


@jgsjames @purplepadma I completely agree. Most of the IT I learned in college I’ve never had to do. (No one ever writes a quick sort by hand, even then!) But learning how to learn, organize my thoughts and defend them was invaluable. And none of that is specific to any degree.


Most of all, did he do it for himself? Yes.
Did he do it for nay-sayers and according to what other people think?

Meow.tar.gz :verified:

@purplepadma Education of (almost) any sort is good for the brain and the body. My undergrad is in Criminal Justice because at one time I wanted to work in the field. It might as well be basket weaving in terms of marketable skills. But it shows I can think critically and I have good written communication skills.

On another note, education can be had beyond the 4 walls of the classroom. I basically taught myself systems administration so I can work in IT. There are courses out there and opportunities to experiment.

@purplepadma Education of (almost) any sort is good for the brain and the body. My undergrad is in Criminal Justice because at one time I wanted to work in the field. It might as well be basket weaving in terms of marketable skills. But it shows I can think critically and I have good written communication skills.

Charlotte Walker

@ablackcatstail My second degree is in criminal justice, I then didn’t use it for over a decade but ended up getting a job as a criminology research assistant. Funny old career path

Meow.tar.gz :verified:

@purplepadma I know that when I started out my career in state government last year, the juvenile probation officers were constantly trying to recruit me from IT on to their side. I might have done it to if it were not for the 30K pay cut I would have had to endure.

Charlotte Walker

@ablackcatstail I was a probation officer for years. The pay isn’t bad in the UK but the caseloads are huge and it’s super stressful

Meow.tar.gz :verified:

@purplepadma Yes, the stress levels are quite high but I did really like the folks in the probation department and they me. The only problem is that 32K USD a year would have me needing a roommate. At my age, I both want and need my solitude.

Charlotte Walker

@ablackcatstail Oh that is terrible pay. UK is just a little better at equivalent of 38k USD

Meow.tar.gz :verified:

@purplepadma It varies quite a bit from state to state. It just so happens that Delaware's salaries are, on average, lower than the surrounding tri-state area of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Maryland.

Meow.tar.gz :verified:

@purplepadma The juvenile probation officers in the State of Delaware are far less focused on punishment but rehabilitation and work closely with prevention and behavioral health services. It is still a system far from perfect but a lot better than other states.

Charlotte Walker

@ablackcatstail That’s what probation services for children are like in the UK. Adult probation services tend to be less joined up with other services, but they are less punitive than the general American model

Meow.tar.gz :verified:

@purplepadma Amurica has always been about "lock'em up and throw away the key." Now even more so because an entire profit model has grown up around incarceration and people in the criminal justice system. Profiting from other's misery seems to be something uniquely #Amurican.


@purplepadma and I bet he’s the person at work, and elsewhere, that people like to be around.


@purplepadma I wish everyone could go to university for at least one year, just for the experience. You meet new people, new cultures, are introduced to new subjects...Study anything.


@purplepadma As for comedy, while Zelensky actually has a law degree, he worked in comedy and entertainment as a performer before becoming one of the most respected world leaders in modern times.

Steven Capsuto - Alt. Channels

@purplepadma The best advice a college dean ever gave me, when I was 18, was this: "80% of US college graduates wind up working in a field other the one they majored in. What you learn in college goes far beyond your major."

Gary Benny


Very expensive vocational school! People with humanities degrees are objectively excellent employees. Creative problem solvers.

Philip Cardella

@purplepadma absolutely true. Our purpose isn't to generate wealth for Bezos to extract so he can squander it on a spaceship shaped like a 🍆, a sea ship that can't fit on the river it was built on (he had to spend $100m to remove and rebuild a bridge to get the thing out to sea) and Musk to set on fire.

I have a cousin (former, I disowned him) who *mocks* me and my wife for *not making enough money*.

A) she makes a TON
B) she's already in the "hall of fame" for her research field at 45

@purplepadma absolutely true. Our purpose isn't to generate wealth for Bezos to extract so he can squander it on a spaceship shaped like a 🍆, a sea ship that can't fit on the river it was built on (he had to spend $100m to remove and rebuild a bridge to get the thing out to sea) and Musk to set on fire.

Philip Cardella

@purplepadma I am not saying making a ton of money is necessary. At all. I am saying the people who say your life doesn't have meaning, or your degree doesn't have meaning, without a bunch of money don't actually care if YOU make money or not.

They want you to make money for THEM.

Paul Carpenter 👾

@purplepadma I think the predominant western attitude is that doing ANYTHING that doesn’t directly contribute to capitalism and/or making money is a complete waste of effort. You must make money, anything else is ultimately harmful to capitalism so therefore worse than doing nothing. Do not learn for fun, learn to work.


@purplepadma I wish I had the knowledge back when I was in college to do the same. I forced myself into a career I hated because it payed the bills(and my student loan). I wish I had taken time off instead.


@purplepadma that makes me feel a lot better about my Victorian Studies degree I took! Thanks.

Arturo Serrano 🇨🇴🤖👽🧙🦄

@purplepadma The 8 years I wasted in business school by parental mandate were the worst mistake of my life.

Charlotte Walker

@carturo222 Sorry you were forced down that avenue

Tormod Halvorsen


Not to be forgotten, Mickey Mouse did pretty good for himself too. Solid earner, world famous and with a really long career.

Bruce Mirken

@purplepadma I have a degree in Theater. That's not how I ended up making a living, but it vastly enriched my life and helped me in the career I eventually landed in. #education

Brandon Pink

@BruceMirken @purplepadma no degree in theater, but I did a lot of school and semi-professional theater throughout high school and college. The public speaking and performance skills have been dead useful for me as a public school teacher. 100% agree with you here.


@purplepadma This annoys me intensely. All education is good education. Full marks to your son for doing what he wanted to do rather than spend 3 years hating what he was doing.

𝑩𝒓𝒊𝒂𝒏 𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒑𝒆𝒓

I agree with you there. I've been to colleges at various times and have a few certifications and associate degrees but no actual 4 year degree. They could never keep me interested long enough and I've always had to work full time to support myself.

In the end I used my several education attempts and life experience to land a job with a reasonable salary. I'm not making millions but for zero degree, $70k a year plus overtime isn't bad.

Charlotte Walker

@That_One_Guy It’s a lot more than I earn and I have two degrees! 😹😹😹

𝑩𝒓𝒊𝒂𝒏 𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒑𝒆𝒓

I only earn that because I've stuck it out in the same place for 15 years kicking and screaming for more money periodically.

I've always been a blue collar worker, it always shocked me when my wife went on the 2nd date with me. She is an ivy league school attorney and I was a heavy equipment operator then. Melissa also has two degrees both law and psychology and working on a 3rd in software development. Education is very important to her it's why our daughter is in private school.

𝑩𝒓𝒊𝒂𝒏 𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒑𝒆𝒓

She is, I've asked a few times why she picked me over the other candidates and I always get the same answer. She didn't need someone with her education level, she needed someone to keep her car running, house working and "animals out of her cave". Her words almost exactly and we've made it work going on 16 years. The fact I read a book a week and keep up with current events helps. My mom being a teacher meant good grammar too. 😉

stefani banerian
@purplepadma "not to mention" but I will.
even a non-Mickey-Mouse degree does not imply you get a job nor 'good salary'
Aviva Gary

@purplepadma Education is important for it's own sake but unfortunately the society we live in only prioritizes what makes money and for whom... that's why they always ask what you do for a living (like a job is everything) when really education is everything.

Charlotte Walker

@Aviva_Gary I hated being asked what I did for a living when my disability was too incapacitating for me to work


@purplepadma I did a computing degree and have used it throughout my life.

But I also did a theology degree, because I wanted to, and that served me really well.

And I did a PhD because I wanted to stretch myself. And I did.

Education is not job training. Education is brain training, mind training.

Pseudandry :verifiedenby:

@purplepadma I went to a vocational college as opposed to a university with the idea I'd get a Practical Education ™️ and a job, only to have the industry I was training for suffer a major crash 9 months before I finished my degree. My current career has nothing to do with anything I trained for and now I recommend strongly that kids follow their hearts rather than some sure thing idea for a future career


@purplepadma @allenstenhaus
I dunno, Mickey Mouse seems to be doing a decent job of beating DeSantis.


@purplepadma The unfortunate situation is that education is so expensive, the only way to rationalize it is for it to lead directly to a well-paying job. I agree that this harms our society in the long run. I wonder how many Steve Jobs and Albert Einsteins we lose out on because we don’t have a path for the non-conforming.

(((Jann Gobble)))🏳️‍🌈

@purplepadma There is NOTHING wrong with learning for learning's sake EXCEPT for those who did that are now complaining they can't pay their college loans.

IF they find another way to pay for that education, be my guest, but I know three friends who got "useless" degrees and are bitching about the amount of money they pay to loans cos they didn't get jobs with those degrees.

You can't have both - and they all knew that.


@purplepadma My degree is in radio production. I’m a former welder who works in quality and training management.

Are those connected? Nope.

But boy did I enjoy those three years spent having fun and broadening my horizons.


@purplepadma I have a degree in probably the most useless subject out there (Religious Studies: not even theology, but mainly religious art and architecture). I ended up teaching English to refugees, where a little bit of knowledge about some Asian and African culture, history and languages came in quite handy.


@purplepadma totally agree! And I bet he made great friends in the process too

David John Crook

@purplepadma There are also major issues with the lack of access to education for older people who want to learn for fun. The days of evening classes at colleges are long gone. Even the OU has become more work orientated.

DTrasler Writing

@purplepadma my wife works in HR. She says the rise in using software to sift resumes means getting the highest qualifications you can afford to avoid being auto-dumped before a human reviews your job application.

Dennis Vinterfjärd

@purplepadma I love this take. I don't know when it happened or if it has always been like this but, did we forget the joy of learning something and seeking knowledge for the sake of knowledge? It feels like every single thing we do needs to be justified by economically motivation now.

Tommaths (he/him)

@purplepadma it's that time of year: there needs to be something to fill the time between "exams are stupidly hard because teachers are evil" end of year season and the results day "exams are much easier than they were in my day" special when the GCSE & A-level results come out.

Preston de Guise 🏳️‍🌈✍🏼

@purplepadma @r_chirgwin I did a Bachelor of Computer Science, but every free elective I had I allocated to Philosophy. I remember my first philosophy lecturer opining in the very first course, “University is the last time in your life that you can learn simply for the sake of learning”.

pootriarch ⏚

@purplepadma i am surrounded by smart women with law degress and science phds who neither practice law nor wear lab coats. they're all whip-smart and critical thinkers and while that leaves me as the dumb dude in the room — fine, i accept this


@purplepadma there are specific technical institutes for people who want to spend their years learning guaranteed marketable skills. Education is and should be a separate thing though, of course, some education will come with marketable skills and some won't. But that's not the point.

Mike Darnell

@purplepadma You're right. It's not supposed to be job training, anyway. It's supposed to be about learning and learning to learning. Even the grad school degrees.

Flash Mob Of One

@purplepadma There's nothing wrong with it in principle, but if you don't have any practical skills, it's a very costly choice.

At least here in the USA.

I'm a professional artist and theatrical performer, and I wouldn't recommend anyone pursue a degree in the arts unless you have some real technical skills to fall back on, because this country does not give a fuck about you and will starve you if you can't fend for yourself.


@purplepadma The fault is not the students', it's businesses that won't hire anyone with less than 5 years experience.

Yakyu Night Owl

@purplepadma Especially when there are so few people out there with degrees in ethics.

Your son isn't a capitalist predator with a certificate of excellence in predatory behavior. Reasons to be proud.

Mark Maguire

@purplepadma I did a degree in Fine Art Painting. I’m not a millionaire as a result. At the time I was pretty agnostic about that BA’s worth but looking back I’m glad I got a long stretch of time to grow and meet both different and similar people to me. The ideas and conversations I was exposed to in art school are fairly current now in wider society and culture. Fear of this kind of insight is a big factor at the heart of reactionary political antipathy to third level education.


@purplepadma I dunno. Money for that means less money to train nurses, engineers, scientists, people that contribute to society? I just dunno...


@purplepadma At least for me, lifelong education is a gift, something everyone should be able to enjoy. I don't think that there is anything wrong with education for the sake of self-interest, but what I see amongst my children's friends is the idea that a (ANY) degree means higher salary and better job prospects. This is something they're being sold by the high schools, colleges and universities and it's absolutely false.


If you would like to spend three years learning something that interests you then go for it! Absolutely and unequivocally, go for it! Like most things in life, do the cost/benefit analysis for yourself. Not everyone will be able to afford to do so right out of high school, but it's something everyone should take the time to investigate for themselves.

Kim Astronut

@purplepadma my daughter dual majored in European Studies and History, almost got her Jewish studies major from a prestigious program. Her focus was fascism and the Holocaust because it interests her. She works in human research grants. Education sometimes just needs to be edifying for oneself.


@purplepadma Going to school/university purely with a view to preparing for a career is training, not education.

OnePlanet 💖🇺🇸 🌎


Once upon a time, at the cusp between “Employees Are Our Greatest Assets” & “Employees Are Financial Liabilities” (thanks Harvard & Reagan, you greedy jackasses) … the corporation I worked for encouraged employees to constantly learn AND to follow their passions - even if their tuition-reimbursed education ended w/employee leaving.

They wanted employees to find their passions & strengths & do what they loved to do. Most stayed. Some became circus clowns. All good!

Weird, right?

PixelChonk Ⓥ :mastoalt:

@purplepadma that's very correct! I just hate when it gets sold to people as a path to a great paying job and they end up with huge amounts of debt and not a great paying job. The cost and mystique of advanced education is where I have an issue, and don't get me started on for-profit colleges, it can be a predatory industry but so long as the student has realistic expectations and understands the financials, education for its own sake is an incredible thing!

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