Everything Mastodon lacks: Calckey in Fediverse with tens additional functions
The number of Twitter alternatives is growing and growing. While most of them pretty much replicate the original, there are also attempts to think ahead.
Everything Mastodon lacks: Calckey in Fediverse with tens additional functions The number of Twitter alternatives is growing and growing. While most of them pretty much replicate the original, there are also attempts to think ahead. 7 comments
@heiseonline@social.heise.de @dwrweb im Artikel steht gleich zu Beginn der Link zur deutschen Version: https://www.heise.de/hintergrund/Mehr-als-nur-Twitter-Kopie-Calckey-im-Fediverse-denkt-Social-Media-weiter-9205667.html @OrntLaOkro@hessen.social Danke, habe ich schon gelesen. @heiseonline |
@heiseonline Vielleicht ist mein Englisch nur zu schlecht, aber was ist bitte "with tens additional functions"?