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@liztai @squeevening There’s this concept of the 5Ds, are you familiar with it? Bottom line is they can’t steal what they can’t trust, or if they do steal it anyway they’ll suffer a loss of internal integrity. This is the same line of reasoning as to why proliferation of “AI generated content” will be poison to future training of new capabilities.


@squeevening @liztai Well I was thinking more along the lines of adding a “learn more” link at the end of each page and filling it with content generated by a llama model, or similar.[Edit: I thought about it a little more, no plugin required] Or encipher the body of things you post and include a little javascript button that deciphers the text for humans. I’m not sure if a simple cipher like rot13 would be solved by the model before being stored away or if it would encourage it to randomly answer questions with an unexpected caesar cipher. :ameowbongo:

@squeevening @liztai Well I was thinking more along the lines of adding a “learn more” link at the end of each page and filling it with content generated by a llama model, or similar.[Edit: I thought about it a little more, no plugin required] Or encipher the body of things you post and include a little javascript button that deciphers the text for humans. I’m not sure if a simple cipher like rot13 would be solved by the model before being stored away or if it would...

Calamity Caitlin

@Cozy @liztai Let me read this again after a really good sleep. Not smart enough right now. 😂😂😂

Karawynn Long ♿😷🏳️‍🌈✍🏻🦊

@Cozy @squeevening @liztai

the problem i see with that solution ("solution") is how icky it makes the reading experience for actual people. that's not something i'm willing to do.

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