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Elizabeth Tai | ꈓē§€é“ƒ šŸ‡²šŸ‡¾

@SeaFury I'm not techy enough to know, but apparently yes, you can do it that way but that means you can't use RSS and your content will be walled from readers.

SeaFury šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆšŸŒ¦ļø

@liztai šŸ˜­ RSS is useful. Iā€™d be inclined to hide behind a membership wall. But that limits new readers who might browse past.

Siderea, Sibylla Bostoniensis


I am a techie, and a writer, and a robots.txt does not prevent rss. I have a robots.txt on my blog and it has perfectly working rss.

What a robots.txt does do, though, is exclude your site from Google Search.

What I don't know, because that article made no sense and I haven't investigated further, is whether this change in policy at Google means they are no longer respecting robot.txts. I have no idea why their privacy policy would have anything to do with that issue, as their privpol is for their users and definitionally people with robots.txts are declining to be their users.



I am a techie, and a writer, and a robots.txt does not prevent rss. I have a robots.txt on my blog and it has perfectly working rss.

What a robots.txt does do, though, is exclude your site from Google Search.

What I don't know, because that article made no sense and I haven't investigated further, is whether this change in policy at Google means they are no longer respecting robot.txts. I have no idea why their privacy policy would have anything to do with that issue, as their privpol is...

Elizabeth Tai | ꈓē§€é“ƒ šŸ‡²šŸ‡¾

@siderea @SeaFury Yeah that's the problem - a lot of people are wondering if they'll just ignore the robots.txt

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