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Ivy :fire_trans:

do you have any comments about this new app's egregious data collection policy?

Tim Chambers

@ivy No different than for current IG app - and doesn’t impact Fedi users …and could give us a big pitch to move over those users to the ad-free, tracker free Fediverse.

Ivy :fire_trans:

@tchambers do you think that it's safe to allow a platform that level of anti-user policy to plug into the fediverse? would you be willing to bet the safety of your disabled users on it?

Tim Chambers

@ivy see my argument here on a smarter way to both protect users than a first-strike defederation….

Ivy :fire_trans:

@tchambers you didn't answer my question about protection for those with disabilities.

while Facebook could scrape this data, by using authorized fetch and defederating their instance we can crack down on it.

why are you so eager to give them the benefit of the doubt? why do we need to wait until things get bad until we act? we can clearly see their policy now from the apk and it's clear how they intend to run the platform.

you have yet to give me any reason to trust Facebook, and given their track record, I think they should be assumed malicious until proven otherwise

@tchambers you didn't answer my question about protection for those with disabilities.

while Facebook could scrape this data, by using authorized fetch and defederating their instance we can crack down on it.

why are you so eager to give them the benefit of the doubt? why do we need to wait until things get bad until we act? we can clearly see their policy now from the apk and it's clear how they intend to run the platform.

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