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Briar Desktop 0.5.0-beta released - macOS support, private groups and Briar Mailbox


@briar nice, love to see you progress :anarchoheart1: will there be a mailbox for whole groupchats, so we can have a "zero knowledge server" that relays messages to everyone, but isn't as vulnerable as a logged-in user, in case the device gets in the wrong hands?


@marcos @briar I'd like to know this also - does each user need their own spare device with mailbox installed? Or could I have e.g. one team mailbox device connected to several accounts (i.e mailroom!)


@bradstewart Briar tries to make it as easy as possible to set up your own Mailbox, and in the beginning it is planned to only allow one user per mailbox. This is to avoid semi-centralization as happening with,,, ...

Also see the respective FAQ entry:


@marcos Such a thing is not planned yet.


@marcos Also see the FAQ entry that got just added. The Mailbox can be quite helpful in group chats, but only if the owner comes online regularly to re-distribute messages via the Mailbox.

Eric Lynema

@briar Mailbox is cool. I like mailbox. I just wish I could use mailbox on an Linux machine. I see there's a way, but I have yet to figure it out. (A VM is easier to spin up then a extra android phone for me)

Eric Lynema

@iak @briar I'm having issues just getting the VM to run properly. It does not like this proxmox setup I've got.

EDIT: Apparently Android wanted more RAM. Great... well, If I can ever move to lightweight LXC containers, I would be happier, but I'll do this for now I guess.


@epl692 You can compile a .jar file with Gradle that you can use to host a Mailbox on servers:

Eric Lynema

@anico I tried that a while ago. It failed. Is there a specific build setup I need? I installed the default Java runtime on a Ubuntu Linux VM and ran that command. It downloaded stuff before it failed...


@epl692 Never tried it myself, sorry. The only thing I can think of is that you need quite a recent version of the Java SDK, since the Mailbox is almost purely written in Kotlin.

But would be good to have the requirements documented somewhere, yeah.

best practices supporter

@briar does Desktop support disappearing messages yet?

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