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Realize I am really ignorant of this stuff ... as a person on a Windows computer using Mastodon in a browser, do I need to do anything?

Can I also assume my android app will also auto-update like all other apps on my phone?

Did I mention that I'm ignorant on all aspect of this issue?


@TopKnot @Mastodon hi topknot, you won’t need to do anything if you are using mastodon through your browser, and the app will update on your phone like other apps. Hope this helps!

Sander Meijer

@TopKnot @Mastodon This is an update that the administrators of the Mastodon instances will need to do. No interaction from users needed.


@TopKnot @Mastodon Nothing needed on your end. This is an update for the Mastodon server software. It will be applied by the server administrators.

Dylan :heart_nb:

@TopKnot I’m pretty sure this update is just for server admins, you’re in the clear!

Marco :verified:

@TopKnot @Mastodon no. It is for server admins who run a Mastodon server.

njamster :godot:

@TopKnot No, you don't need to do anything! Mastodon is the software that's running on the server which is hosting your instance. So the android app is not affected by this at all (but yes, would auto-update like any other app if there was an update for it). Depending on what this update actually changes and if applying it requires restarting the instance, as a user you may not even notice this update at all.

Seb :verified:

@TopKnot as a user you dont need to do anything. you just may not be able to use mastodon at that time

Heraclio Mantegazzi 🚈🇨🇱🌳🇵🇹

@TopKnot @Mastodon no, this is an announcement for instance administrators, they are the ones that need to update.

For us regular users this means that probably some hours after this our instance might have a bit of downtime while it is being updated, which will depend on your local administrator's time availability (keep in mind that most admins are volunteers with their own jobs and such, so the time can be away from office hours)

Tobias Hellgren

@TopKnot It's for the server application. Normal users probably won't have to do anything.



@TopKnot you don't have to do anything, your server admins will have to update the server software

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