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Roni Laukkarinen

@dettlaff Alt text for my blind follorwers:

Heading: How to reverse a swastika that you can't remove

(A swastika pictured, angry drawing emoji besides it that shouts "hey man wtf")

1. Make sure the coast is clear

(Square pictured with four squres in it)

2. Connect the outside lines. Go over them so the old ones aren't visible anymore.

(Four squares inside as square numbered with lines drawn in it, "Leave room" pointed out to the second square)

1. I draw a rectangle or square in the top right corner to make "L".
2. Divide diagonally, but leave room in the top right corner
3. Divide unevenly the right side should be skinny for an "I"
4. Divide in half

("LOVE WINS" text begins to emerge in the squares)

4. Make the shapes into letters

The end result: LOVE WINS

Hooray! :D You just did a crime!


@rolle @dettlaff

Yes but also the final version of Love Wins square is filled in with inclusive rainbow colours.

def #nowar

@rolle thanks, i will add it when i get to home :)

edit: done

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