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Paul Haddad :tapbots_logo:

I look over at Twitter API land every once in a while just to see what craziness is happening. This week? They decided to remove the API that returns the following/followers for users. No notice, no comments, nothing. API stopped working, documents remove any mentions about it.

Is it a bug, is it on purpose? No one who knows is talking.

Imagine paying $100/5000/42,000+ a month for this.

slade 🏳️‍🌈

@paul I remember having to chase down somebody I knew who knew about the API to answer a question about something breaking back in December. Literally blew up their DMs—took them a week and a half to get back to me.

The issue remains unfixed ;)


@paul I saw someone mention the other day that the website is now only showing 100 followers/followings. No way to view any additional.

Sebastian :coffefied:

@paul Since no one is using it, there’s no need for communication…😂

Hayden Evans

@paul I honestly wonder why anyone would choose to continue to actively develop apps for such an increasingly unstable platform.

Gerty Steinblatt

Everyone seems so bewildered and surprised.
This surprises and bewilders me.

Ps: It did occur to me that perhaps there remains some employee(s) who might possibly be sabotaging Twitter on purpose? Could it be so?

Bunny Mickley

@paul Wow, and no response from them still? Looks like it's been a few days 🤯


@paul omg like isn't that kinda the second most important part of a graph social network 😂

What. A. Dumpster fire.

Matt Isenhower

@paul they also just banned a bunch of apps for unspecified “rule violations.” I tried contacting them about mine and was told to disable login verification on my account 🤨

Tom :piss:

@paul I see someone in that thread saying they’re paying the $100k/mo, what I want to know is what app utilizing TwitterAPI is worth that? Who are these people‽


@tom @paul Who are these people‽

My guess? Liars.


@tom @paul it’s the weirdest mix of companies… Flowers By Irene, Carl’s Incredible Apples, Nancy’s Spicy Aromas, Melvin’s Oven Sautéed Sausages And Dumplings, Kevin’s Great Bacon, Marty’s Incredible Five, Carol’s Savoury Ingredients Sellers.


@paul Has Elon considered hiring some “ninja” or possibly “rockstar” programmers

Adam Williams

@paul I imagine it's on purpose, because there was a bot tracking who elon followed or unfollowed. So any time he followed someone new the bot wound announce it. Suddenly api "lost” that ability. yeah…

Tony Bark :pawified:

@paul At what point does it stop becoming an API?

Paul Haddad :tapbots_logo:

The ghost of TwitterDev updated their change log (today, even though the change is dated 3 days ago) stating that the Following/Followers methods have been deprecated. Again no notice, no reasoning, no replacement, nothing.

marzuq märzenbecher

@paul but i‘m SO glad that you‘re here <3


@paul I love the unapologetic schadefreude or however you spell that.

gh0sti :pika:

@paul you get what you pay for. 🐦 $42k/m 🐦 ! I would be livid if I wasn’t getting working features at that absurd price. Who the hell is paying for that?


@paul can’t help but feel like everyone quoted there is a bit of a patsy for paying & not seeing the writing on the wall

Shuga :verified_deltadel: :kyawoo:
@paul They also mass-suspended image posting bots a week-ish ago. And didn't even block the ability to re-create the app, so it did absolutely nothing but kill bots whose owners didn't know any better.
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